Learning Korean

Must know Korean phrases

꿈소녀eyo 2020. 8. 15. 23:24

1. Hello 안녕하세요 – [An-nyeong-ha-se-yo]

2. Nice to meet you 반갑습니다 Ban-gap-sum-ni-da.

3. Goodbye 안녕히 계세요 [An-nyong-hee gyeh-seh-yo]
4. Thank you 감사합니다 – Kam-sa-ham-ni-da. 
5. Excuse me./Just a moment 잠시만요 – Jam-shi-man-yo. 
6. I’m sorry 죄송합니다/미안합니다 – Chway-seong-ham-ni-da./Mi-an-ham-ni-da. – 
7. Have a great meal 많이 드세요 – Man-hee deu-se-yo 
8. I will eat well 잘 먹겠습니다 – Jal meok-ge-sseum-ni-da 
9. The meal was good - 잘 먹었습니다 – Jal meo-geo-sseum-ni-da 


10. Yes - 네 - Nae
11. No - 아니요 - Ah-nee-yo

12. Is this OK? - 괜찮아요? - Gwen-chahn-ah-yo?
13. It’s OK / No problem - 괜찮아요 - Gwen-chahn-ah-yo

14. How are you? 잘 지내요? Jal jee-nae-yo? 
15. I’m fine, thanks. 잘 지내요. Jal jee-nae-yo. 
16. Have a good day. 좋은 하루 보내세요. Jo-un ha-ru bo-nae-seh-yo. 

17. What is your name? 이름이 뭐예요? Ee-room-ee mwo-ye-yo?
18. My name is ____. 제 이름은 ____ 이에요. Jae ee-room-un ____ ee-eh-yo.

19. I’m from ____. 저는 ____ 에서 왔어요. Jo-nun ____ eh-so wass-oh-yo. 

20. Do you speak English? 영어 할 수 있어요? Yong-oh hal su iss-oh-yo?
21. I can’t speak Korean well. 한국말 잘 못해요. Han-goog-mal jal mot-hae-yo.
22. Please speak slowly. 천천히 말 해주세요. Chon-chon-hee mal hae-ju-seh-yo.

Ordering Food & Eating Out

1. Please give me a menu.  메뉴 주세요. Men-yu ju-seh-yo.
2. Do you have an English menu?  영어메뉴가 있나요.  Yong-oh-men-yu-ga it-na-yo?
3. Is this spicy?  이거 매워요?  Ee-goh mae-wo-yo?
4. Not spicy, please.  매운하지 말아주세요.   Mae-un-ha-ji mal-ah-ju-seh-yo.
5. I’ll have a ____.   ____ 주세요.   ____ ju-seh-yo.
6. How much is it?  얼마예요.  Ol-ma-yeh-yo
7. Please give me the bill.  계산서 주세요.   Gyeh-san-soh ju-seh-yo
8. Bon appetit!  많이 드세요  Man-hee deu-seh-yo
9. That was delicious.  잘 먹었습니다 Jal moh-goh-ssoom-ni-da
10. I am allergic to nuts.  너트 알레르기가 있어요.   Nuh-teu al-le-leu-gi-ga iss-oh-yo.

Cost To Travel In Korea
1. Where is the ____? ____ 어디예요? ____ oh-dee-yeh-yo?
2. Where is the train station? 기차역은 어디예요? Gee-cha-yog-eun oh-dee-yeh-yo?
3. Where is the toilet? 화장실이 어디예요? Hwa-jang-shil-ee oh-dee-yeh-yo?
4. Is there a ____ near here? 여기 근처에 ____ 었습니까? Yoh-gi geun-cho-eh ____iss-soom-ni-kka?
5. Please take me to ____. ____ 가주세요. ____ ga-ju-seh-yo.
6. Please stop here (in a taxi). 여기서 세워 주세요. Yoh-gee-soh seh-wo-ju-seh-yo.


While shopping

1. How much is it? 얼마예요? Ol-ma-yeh-yo?
2. Please give me a discount. 깎아 주세요. Kka-kka ju-seh-yo.
3. It’s cheap! 싸요! Ssa-yo!
4. It’s expensive! 비싸요! Bi-ssa-yo!
5. Do you have ____? ____ 있어요? ____ iss-so-yo?
6. Do you take credit cards? 카드 받으세요? Kah-deu bad-euh-seh-yo?
7. Please give me a refund. 환불해 주세요. Hwan-bool-hae ju-seh-yo.
8. Please give me an exchange. 교환해 주세요. Gyo-hwan-hae ju-seh-yo.
9. To go please. 포장해 주세요. Po-jang-hae ju-seh-yo.

Emergencies – Essential Korean Phrases When In Need

1. Help! 도와주세요! Doh-wah-ju-seh-yo.
2. Where can I get help? 어디서 도움을 받을 수 있나요? Oh-di-soh doh-oom-eul bad-eul su -itnayo?
3. Police 경찰 Gyong-chal
4. Call the police 경찰을 불러주세요. Gyong-chal-eul bul-lo-ju-seh-yo.
5. Hospital 병원 Byong-won
6. Please call an ambulance. 구급차를 불러주세요. Gu-geum-cha-reul bul-loh ju-seh-yo.
7. I need a doctor. 나는 의사가 필요해요. Na-neun wi-sa-ga pil-yo-hae-yo.
8. It hurts here. 여기가 아파요. Yoh-gi-ga ah-pah-yo.
9. I feel sick. 몸이 아파요 mom-ee ah-pah-yo